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Difference between relationships in real life and in network

Girls have many ways to focus interest in communication with men. Sometimes girls and women like to talk about anything. Men have little interest in such conversations. If you want to talk, Argues your wish: "I would like to talk about ...", "I am concerned that ...." "Let's talk about ..." If you want to speak about your experience, tell about it openly to the man, and ask him about that he gave you advice to address the fact that you care about at this point. You can also read more about this on our chatroulette alternative blog!

The main aspects:

Hints. No single man understands hints, even in real life, not to mention the Internet in particular. If you want to meet, or go somewhere together (on the session or in the movie), and tell it exactly right. Many men like specifics.

Disputes. Many men love to argue and sometimes try to argue with them is useless. Sometimes a man can give to you the way in the dispute and take into account your point of view, but in this case he sees opponent in you that makes the decisions. As a rule, men like to dominate in addressing disputes and problems, sometimes using psychological pressure on the woman. Smart girls are trying to avoid such pressures, agreeing with a man, but remained unconvinced.

Intrigue. Men, like women very interesting with intrigue in communication. Men are not interested to solve women. A woman who harbors a secret that must unravel a man will always be interesting to him as long as he did not solve.

Humor. Men are very positive attitude to humor. Basically they do a humorous approach to communication. If you have fun in life and love to joke, the acquaintance with a man with a sense of humor on the Internet will be a great occasion for good communication

Flirt. On the Internet is a good way to flirt to attract the attention of men. Moreover, flirting should not matter, if you do not want to be considered just a man for an intimate relationship. Light flirting with guy gives him a signal that you are interested in him, thus it pays to direct his attention to you.

Compliments. Well, who does not? Men are very nice to compliment, especially when it presented by a girl or woman that he like. Build your communication compliments, and it gives you more confidence in communicating to men.

Serious topics. Speaking on serious topics in the Internet is best left for a date. If you still want to talk about living together and children, ask from afar how to treat your interlocutor on these issues. Sometimes men who are not yet ready for living together, premature topic of living together afraid, whether they are trying to avoid them.