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Alfonso online

When a week ago I saw a program about that on the Internet there were gigolos who hyping female to break the bank decided to write an article, although these individuals have long foraged on the Internet. You can also read more about this on our chatroulette alternative blog!

A small story based on own experience. Once a long time ago, when I started my fellowship and acquaintance on the Internet, spending his time in a gaming club, I met a very interesting man. Man with mean age was 35-37, dressed always very elegant and stylish, polished shoes always polished, well-groomed hair, height - 180cm., Sort of a macho-looking. I have often seen how he got to know on the Internet. The first time we talked on various subjects, without affecting the threads of communication on the Internet. Of course, many people like me would have thought that the beautiful, stylish peasant to do on the Internet, and he sat in the club very long time, and then disappeared somewhere for a week or two, and then he appeared.

The next time he appeared again on the horizon, we are again met by chance with him, we started talking and he told me a little story, he met a woman over 40, had a good time, make some money. According to the story, the woman was alone, had a business, they met on the Internet and, judging from how long it was not, he was living in her month. Many people would like and I have a second question, how could he make money? Although the title of this article has the answers the question.

The thing is that he got acquainted with lonely and alone secured and girls twisted their money and did it quite professionally, as was always the money, although there were weeks when he was stranded.


In my story the man twisted women for money in exchange for his attention, for sex services (his words). Who would pay for that money? Well, firstly it is single women who are successful in business, but in their life did not work out with personal relationships. Every woman wants a male heat, care, attention, and Alfonso knows about it, so enjoy. If a woman finds here such a macho man that would fit her interests, she is ready to pay a lot of money, even in the event that it is correct gigolo unwind. Secondly the oligarchs, too, married girls are often unhappy, Alphonse knows that he can not only spend time with these girls, but also unleash the savings they acquired by oligarchs.